
Poster should have a 10 cm wide head band, which has to be provided by the author. On this band the number of the talk, the title, the authors’ names and the laboratory should be listed in a big font. The other text should be well readable at a distance of 2 meters, too. The formats of the poster spaces are 90 cm wide x 130 cm high (A0 upright format).

Authors are asked to mount their poster in the morning of the day of their session. Each poster has a number according to the scientific program, which corresponds to the number on the poster board. The posters have to be removed in the evening.

For the mounting of the posters please contact the available student staff. Please make sure to use only power stripes for mounting the poster (residuelessly removing).

The presenting authors should be at hand for discussion at their poster during at least half of the poster session and should mark this time at the poster.

The Poster areas are located in the following areas of the TU Berlin:

Abbrev. Location Max. number of posters
A Main building (H) -Gallery 2nd floor 150 Poster area A is located in the main building, 2nd floor, Gallery round the Lichthof
B Main building (H) - Gallery 3rd floor 150 Poster area B is located in the main building, 3rd floor, Gallery round the Lichthof
C Main building (H) old library 70 Poster area C is located in the main building, 3rd floor, opposite Lichthof/Gallery
D EW (previously PN) above 70 Poster area D is located in the Physik-Neubau / Eugene-P.-Wigner-building, 1st floor, on the Gallery
E EW (previously PN) below 87 Poster area E is located in the Physik-Neubau / Eugene-P.-Wigner-building, ground floor
F MA141/144 80 Poster area F is located in the mathematics building, 1st floor
G Old TU Mensa 50 Poster area G is located in the old TU mensa

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